Some helpful tips on booking with us

Booking with us

How do I make a provisional booking?
In the first instance we can take a provisional booking from you over the phone, or you can come into Allum Manor to see one of our experienced Managers.
What do I do if I no longer want the provisional booking?
We ask that you always keep us informed of your plans. Normally somebody else will want that same date and if you tell us you no longer need it we can offer it to them.
How do I make a confirmed booking for Allum Manor Hall?
Our Managers will assist you in completing a booking form, send you a PDF version by email or send one to you in the post. When you wish to confirm your booking simply return the completed form by post or email. Your deposit (25%) can be paid by bank transfer, by cheque or by debit card.
How do I make a confirmed booking for Allum Manor House?
Simply send us an email to confirm your booking.
What if I need to cancel my confirmed Allum Manor Hall booking?
We understand that from time to time things change. If you need to cancel your booking for Allum Manor Hall and it is more than 6 months before your event, we will refund you 50% of your deposit. If you cancel between 3 and 6 months prior to your event, we will refund you 50% of your deposit but only if we can take another booking for the date. If you cancel less than 3 months before your event, unfortunately your deposit is forfeited.
What if I need to cancel my confirmed Allum Manor House booking?
If you need to cancel your booking for Allum Manor House you need to give us 72 hours notice and you must email us or phone us during office opening hours which are 9am to 5pm.
Can I extend my booking beyond the closing time?
Allum Manor closes at 11pm Sunday to Thursday and Midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.


If any of the answers we have provided do not fully answer your question or if your question does not appear in our list please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.